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We have arranged three tabling events in Meiners Oaks! All valley residents are invited to bring your questions and share your excitement, meet our board members and learn more about our park plans! Come to one or all of the following events! 

FRIDAY July 28 | 5pm-7pm at Bookends Bookstore in Meiners Oaks 110 S. Pueblo Avenue

SATURDAY July 29 | 8am-10am at Coffee Connection in Meiners Oaks 311 East El Roblar

SUNDAY July 30 | 11am -2pm at Farmer and The Cook in Meiners Oaks 339 West El Roblar



We have been busy out in the community sharing our vision with you.  We spent time at Patagonia retail store in Ventura last week and will soon be at The Coffee Connection, Bookends Bookstore, and The Farmer and the Cook.  Come see us!

UPDATE 1.28.23--BIG NEWS!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We are excited to announce that Meiners Oaks Parks has officially obtained 501(c)3 status--Ojai's newest non-profit! Stay tuned for giving opportunities! 



UPDATE 12.14.2022

A big THANK YOU to our community members who took the first community survey. You can view the results here:

UPDATE 11.11.2022

We are pleased to announce that we have started the first phase of community engagement! With the link provided, you can access a community survey that will you to share your input concerning the property at 312 East El Roblar Drive, site of the former car wash. Please give input here, this survey is in English and Spanish. UPDATE: THE FIRST COMMUNITY SURVEY HAS CLOSED

UPDATE 8.25.2022

As you may know, at the prompt of District 1 Supervisor Matt LaVere, the County Board of Supervisors approved the demolition of the carwash and old house on El Roblar Drive in Meiners Oaks.  This was a great first step toward making that 2-acre parcel a park should we find a private partner to help bring this to fruition.


The County, in partnership with our local MOP Working Group, is currently conducting a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment.  This document will provide information regarding the land’s historical property uses, current conditions, and other elements as viewed through an environmental lens.  A Phase 1 Assessment is a standard procedure for development on private and public properties.  This will help identify if any existing environmental concerns are initially identified that may merit additional analysis as we move through the process.


We are currently reaching out to local non-profit organizations and other groups in the hopes of establishing a public/private partnership to move the MOP into fruition.  We have identified a landscaping design firm that has extreme interest in helping us develop this park, but we need the private party to help carry it forward!  If you are involved with an organization that would like to partner with The MOP Working Group, please let us know how you think we can work together!  Let’s do it!


Once we can identify a partner, we will begin our Community Engagement strategy as it relates to the larger community.  This involves conducting a series of meetings and public forums to capture ideas and thoughts for a park that will reflect the needs, wants, and culture of our community.  


While this will take some time, if you are interested in keeping up-to-date on the progress made by The MOP Working Group, unless you have done so already, please go to our website and provide your email address there or reply to this email.  We will keep you informed as we make The MOP a reality!

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